Thursday, November 8, 2012

First Snowstorm: 2012-2013 Fall/Winter

When I posted yesterday about our first snowfall, I wasn't expecting it to actually turn into our first snowstorm! The Nor'easter (that curiously seems to have been named Athena by some meteorologists) packed a punch in terms of snow accumulation that surprised me. The heat in my apartment wasn't working and I was getting quite chilly here in Brooklyn, so my friend AA invited me to stay with him in NJ, so off I went through the snowfall, first on the F train then on the PATH train. When I arrived in Jersey City, the snow was coming down like a blizzard accompanied by a howling wind, but his apartment was toasty warm, so it all worked out well. Some neighborhoods lost power again, but fortunately it wasn't as bad as it could have been. I was back in Brooklyn this morning and took this picture, which shows that even though some trees made it through Hurricane Sandy unscathed, the heavy wet snow was too much for them. (Yes, readers, A Tree Falls in Brooklyn.) It's strange how last year we had an early snowfall in October, but we never had a snowstorm after that. The last time I reported about that was almost two years ago on December 26, 2010.

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